One of the proposed designs Mr. T’s econ class is working to get onto a shirt is shown.
Senior economics class begins to launch clothing apparel line
Following the Career Day earlier in the year, senior econ teacher Mr. Tonsoni felt inspired by Tyler Mose, CEO of his own video production company. When Mr. Mose contacted Mr. Tonsoni about helping some DCHS students to create their own clothing line, Mr. Tonsoni was hesitant though. “I wasn’t sure initially how well my econ classes were going to take to it.” However, as he began to discuss the idea with his classes, the students began to get excited. “[Mr. Mose] sent me a very old Oracle logo,” Mr. Tonsoni began to tell his classes. Once the logo was shown, innovation began to take off.
With 5th, 6th, and 7th period heading up the new business, ideas began to come together. It was decided that the logo should be placed on t-shirts and crewneck sweatshirts. “Already we’ve had a bunch of people outside of the class saying they’d like one,” Mr. Tonsoni told one class. Indeed, the logo is very unique to the econ class, and can’t be found anywhere else. Ultimately though, while a unique product is being created, the best part of this project is that students are receiving necessary life skills. “I think the creation and running of this store is authentic learning. What we’re doing is providing necessary life skills that may not be learned in the typical classroom setting,” said Mr. Tonsoni.