New Year’s is Not the Time for Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are stupid. Yeah, I said it. The idea that a new year somehow magically makes someone a “new person” is silly and false. The fact is that people do not change because the date does, and just because the date changes does not mean that people are ready for making themselves into entirely new people. Every day is a new day, and every day gives us the opportunity to start fresh, to change what we want to about ourselves, and waiting for the “New Year” only makes us less likely to complete our goals. A year is 12 months starting now, right now, and we should start immediately with our goals.

Wanting to have a resolution is not silly, and wanting to change yourself is not dumb. Often, though, we get bursts of motivation, but then we decide to wait until those marker dates, such as New Year’s. This is ridiculous. Do it now! If you want to lose weight, work out tonight. If you want to write a novel, start outlining right now. If you want to get more organized, go out and buy a planner immediately! I promise you that by waiting for a marker date, you will lose every ounce of motivation you have. Even if you have a resolution along the lines of “read the Bible in a year” or “write a journal entry every day for a year,” waiting until the first of the year makes it more likely that you will not be motivated to finish your goal.

Honestly, you are the same person that you were on December 31st. Tackle your goals and resolutions the moment that you feel motivated to accomplish them, because time waits for no man, there is no time like the present, and a new day means a new you… and all of those other cliche phrases. New Year’s is a great time to make a new start for yourself, but only if you are ready and motivated to make that change, because a new year does not automatically mean that it has to be a new you. Otherwise, it would be advisable to wait until you are ready.